Date Tags 2010

Time to time I post latest updates on my life. I don't think I'm a good writer, but I hope these posts will be available when I will be old, so I can remember this all much easier. (I am planning to write my biography at some point:))

I actually started this post some month ago, but it stuck somewhere between "have no time to write it" and "have no inspiration to write it". What is happening lately?

As you already know it I almost burned my MacBook down. It was on Halloween evening, coincidence? :)

Louise now are 10 months old. She is so gorgeous, although it seems, that she will be very stubborn girl. It is actually not a bad thing, just have to direct hers stubbornness into right direction. Now she have 5 teeth. She gets very serious when exploring things. She is so cute when she is so serious. Also new words and expressions are jumping out every week. It is a great thing watching her grow up.

In professional area I have developed my first iPhone application. Objective-c is not an easy programming language. Actually it is kind of weird. Anyway I made an application, that have 3 buttons, a loader and a web browser. Pressing on the buttons takes to 3 different websites and current website is saved to sqlite db file so next time application is started it remembers which button was pressed. In general nothing impressive, but it is a start. I am planning an update to show nearest places on the map.

I have also updated structure of the staticphp framework . Currently it is on the new branch, but eventually I will merge the changes in master branch, when I will be certain that this is the right way to go. I will try to post a separate post about this.

In real life we are still looking for a apartment to rent. This has been very disappointing area. Currently we live in another city some 40 km away and I have to drive everyday a lot. I haven't mentioned it on the blog, but for a while we have been looking for a new place to live in Riga. At this time there are three kind of apartments available in Riga.

  1. First ones are terrible and I mean really terrible ones without any repair ever made. I don't know what people are thinking asking such prices for such apartments.
  2. The second ones are those "ok" apartments. They could work out, but they don't feel like worth the price or worth the move.
  3. The third ones are those really nice apartments, where you can very easily imagine your daily life. But they cost a lot. Some owners are asking half of my salary + utilities for a month and of course to pay two months ahead, when starting to live there.

We want to move away from Jurmala, but it seems we will have to move somewhere outside the Riga and it will eventually not solve driving problems. Will have to deal with it some way or another.

Oh, yes also in professional area. I am looking for new job opportunities. I am a little bored from corporate world. I am seeking for new challenges, something interesting instead of website programming for clients, more likely some startup with a thrilling idea behind it. (Facebook would be just fine, although it is not some startup anymore.. :D) Yeah, so, this is not an easy task. I have searched over some job portals and there are actually lot of jobs out there, but most of them are exactly those I don't want. And all those questions: "Freelance no freelance?", "Relocate, stay where I am?" don't make it much easier.

I have to say that this is game changing moment in my life. "Ok, here we are, what's next?" is the right question. There are so much options and opportunities that it is hard to choose and specially for me, as I am always looking for some kind of perfection. As for my personality I have become more determined and strict. I guess it is a good thing. Ok, that is it for now.

Note for my self: 16% achieved.


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