Finding a damn good wysiwyg editor

I need to find a good wysiwyg editor for a project i'm currently working on. Here are my thoughts on some of the editors:

  • TinyMCE : feature full editor, but it seems a bit messy with a lot of files. Implementing is also not very nice and friendly. Earlier I have experianced some problems validating html code.
  • FCKEditor / CKEditor : Some years ago it was called FCKEditor, now I see that they have renamed it to CKEditor. I have used this one quite successfully. This is definitely better that TinyCME. Just downloaded the source code and I see that download package consists of 579 files. Wow! I need some simple wysiwyg editor, not this huge. And directory structure is really messed up.
  • markItUp : 40 files - much better. Actually this is very interesting editor, althought it is not quite wysiwyg one. Judging from the example I have to replace "\n" to "<br />" within my code. I don't want to do that. And also for average user html code will not be easy to handle. On other hand pasting documents from word and websites …
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Port forwarding

Yestereday it wasn't very creative day at work so I took a work with me using usb flash drive.

At work we have some paranoid IT security people who wont let us work from home, so if I want to do it, I have to copy source code onto the flash drive and setup similar configuration on my home computer. It is not the first time, so no problems with configuration, but copying, archiving, copying, unarchiving is a quite booring process. So I was thinking: "Is it possible to get to our work development server?". Asking for an access to IT is not an option in this case.

Then I remebered about port forwarding. Is it possible to connect to some server, create tunnel from connecting side and connect to this tunnel from other side? Of course it is possible. I guess I did know it before, just somehow haven't thought about it. What I need was a server. I can't use any server, again because of strict IT policy, but recently we rent a new server outside of our …

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Letter from google analytics

Today I received an email from google analytics team. It makes me feel kind of proud. :)

Hello, We love that you love our product and use it as much as you do. We have observed however, that a website you are tracking with Google Analytics is sending over 1 million hits per day to Google Analytics servers. This is well above the "5 million pageviews per month per account" limit specified in the Google Analytics Terms of Service . Processing this amount of data multiple times a day takes up valuable resources that enable us to continue to develop the product for all Google Analytics users. As such, starting August 23rd, 2010, the metrics in your reports will be updated once a day, as opposed to multiple times during the course of the day. You will continue to receive all the reports and features in Google Analytics as usual. The only change will be that data for a given day will appear the following day. We trust you understand the reasons for this change. Regards, Your Google Analytics Team

Getting data …

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MongoDB finding max value

Hi,Recently I have started to learn some new stuff. One of them is MongoDB so called “NoSQL” database.What I have learned is that mongoDB is very simple. Running MongoDB and installation of PHP extension for it, took only some 10 minutes. Then fast overview of some source code at manual and we are good to go. If you have some earlier experience with javascript and databases like MySQL, you shouldn’t have any problems with MongoDB. This morning I started to migrate table from MySQL to Mongo and did a mistake. I changed table in MySQL query but did not changed it in Mongo insert. So what I had was two tables in one Mongo collection.Fortunately those tables has some fields that are not in other table, so I came up with this code:

self::$mdb->i18n->remove(array(':where' => new mongoCode('return (this.parent == 0 || this.parent > 0) && typeof this.last_access == "undefined";')));

Where “self::$mdb” is reference to php MongoDB object. I guess: “typeof this.last_access == "undefined”;“ would be just fine, either, but I …

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