
I found about Twestival some days ago somewhere on twitter. Today I saw already opened tab and looked more deeper into the site. I have watched videos on the site and now I'm looking through these pictures and listening to this music (what is actually quite good). Interesting...

p.s. This story is even more interesting.

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Skype status message from itunes

Some time ago I was searching how to get "now playing" status from itunes to show in skype. Then I did not find anything. Today I remembered it and decided to try search again. I found nothing and with nothing I mean I couldn't find any application that could do that. But instead I found this forum post - http://forum.skype.com/index.php?showtopic=83508 what made me wonder. So I looked in Skype settings and there it is - Cmd+, -> Advanced tab -> "Show iTunes song in my mood message". Simple enough. :)

p.s. I don't know if this works on windows skype too.

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Ill, updated

I'm ill. 38.2 C.

She is ill too :( - 39.1 C

p.s. I don't quite remember when last time I was ill like this.

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How can it be, that goverment is cutting off salaries for every unit, but leaving their self salaries as they were? So imagine preschool teacher, who have and had salary something about 250 ls after taxes and they had some bonuses. Now they don't. And now imagine some fat guy sitting in our government and getting salary something about 4000 ls more or less and without any wish to lower they incoms. They are threating us like an idiots. I do understand that there is crisis out there and we need to lower our expanses, but how can they cut off teacher salaries, what has always been to low and leave their unchanged. From what I have heared, they will talk about to cutt off their bonuses or not. :D

So how can we live in the country like this, when there is such a lot absurd and wories about tomorrow?

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Wordpress updated

Little late, but I just updated my wordpress version to 2.7 and it looks great. Admin interface has got a lot of attention. :)

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Windows 7

I just installed windows 7 on my .. yes .. macbook. :) Everything went fine, without any problems, except install time, of course. :) But I guess it was fast comparing to Vista. First impression is very good, I mean really very good. Bad thing is that I don't remember my network key for wireless access point so I don't know if it is a windows problem or what. I tried to open "Explorer", "Internet explorer" and "media player" and they were doing quite fast. I know, there is no reason why to move back to windows, but I'm quite impressed about it, firstly because it looks beautiful, secondly, because it is fast even on laptop. But (always have some:) windows xp is fast too with fresh install. After some months it is/was always starting to drive me crazy. And another thing I have noticed - better computer, faster it gets slow. So .. hard to say if it is fast or slow in real life - I will not use it in everyday basis (OS X has bought me:), but I would be lucky if …

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Returning references

Why is this working:

and this is not:

showing me an error: Only variable references should be returned by reference.

I guess php compiler is not so smart to check if booth those return values in second example are variables.

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