
Great day, a lot of snow, everything white and peaceful and what is strange - it is not cold outside. :)

Here are some fast images:

s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6

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Lately I have been writing some stuff about framework. So this post is to be little more insight.

Before I was using codeigniter. But there are some things I don't like in it. I tought it could be good experience with open source products and decided to work on my own framework.

Some of the features:

  1. Written for php 5 and will not support php 4;
  2. Uses PDO (php data objects) for making database queries so hopefully framework could use any database type PDO provides, you can find those here . Although there is some annoying things about pdo. For example, you cannot count on PDOStatement->rowCount method, because it works only on affected rows, not selected. Some of the database types can return row count number on select too, but you can't truly be sure, if you admit that in some point you could change database.
  3. System is built on static classes, so you can access for example router class from everywhere. I can't find reason why you should initialize router class twice. Anyway you can choose your …
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Help Latvia

So there it is - . I have been working for some while on this project after watching interview in bloomberg television (wee all now what interview). Still there are some improvements to make. As everybody knows, I'm not a designer, so don't blame me for the look of the site, but suggestions are more than welcome.

I don't put big hopes for the site, this mainly is just for the framework to evolve. And I have some pretty nice ideas to make it little different from all frameworks. :)

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Little shinny day

And my new 50 mm F/1.8 is finally here.

This was the tough one - buy it or not. From one side spending money on something like lenses could be the last thing to do, but from other side long time has passed when I bought camera and long time I have wanted new lenses and this one was quite cheep. I guess I will see if this was a good or bad purchase.

All this thinking about buying stuff I want and I like leaded me to a decision. Finally and officially I can say, that I am looking for an abroad job. And I mean like taking my stuff and leaving without any thinking. Problem is finding a job or I could say: "the job". Fortunately I can't think my self coding sites for clients. I want to do something new, something challenging, something interesting. For example, Mozilla corporation looks very promising, where, btw, I did send my application, but without any luck for now.

That is for now. Little later, I will post some more information …

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