Little shinny day
And my new 50 mm F/1.8 is finally here.
This was the tough one - buy it or not. From one side spending money on something like lenses could be the last thing to do, but from other side long time has passed when I bought camera and long time I have wanted new lenses and this one was quite cheep. I guess I will see if this was a good or bad purchase.
All this thinking about buying stuff I want and I like leaded me to a decision. Finally and officially I can say, that I am looking for an abroad job. And I mean like taking my stuff and leaving without any thinking. Problem is finding a job or I could say: "the job". Fortunately I can't think my self coding sites for clients. I want to do something new, something challenging, something interesting. For example, Mozilla corporation looks very promising, where, btw, I did send my application, but without any luck for now.
That is for now. Little later, I will post some more information …
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