Photo cameras

Few days ago we decided to sell our Canon EOS 400D photo camera. It was a good purchase, but it somehow was too far from our needs as we mostly took pictures in auto or P mode. Yesterday we actually sold it. Now it was time to look for the new one.

Our requirements was that is has to be small, fit into 200 LVL price range and have to be qualitative. After reviewing a lot of cameras we came to two models: Canon SX 210 IS and Sony DSC-T99 . Canon offers more control, sony offers smaller size and cooler looking. Me and my wife we both decided to go for sony, but I couldn't find it in any LV internet shop so I decided to go for canon. As well, reading through some of the posts in forums, confirmed my choice.

Now it is 4:30 am, I have already ordered SX210, so I can finally go to sleep. :)

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Technology and Web 3.0

As we all might know right now we use a lot of: jquery, Yahoo! UI, ajax, tag clouds, syndication, web apis and a lot more. We design fancy web sites with large, shiny buttons and titles. We have blogs, wikis, social sites. We develop within strict standarts. We put it all together and call it Web 2.0. So Web 2.0 is summary in one name of all the technologies and practices used in certain period of time.

Word Web 2.0 has been around for a while and there have been a lot of debates about upcoming Web 3.0. Mostly people say, that Web 3.0 is *Semantic Web

  • with a lot of personalization. Ok, I could agree, but..

I think mobile applications is our Web 3.0. Why? You would ask. Because apple with iphone and google with android has changed the way we used the web before. Technologies has been changed from XHTML to Objective-C, C++, Java and HTML 5 + CSS3. These technologies have been around, just like asynchronous javascript requests were before Web 2 …

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My status


Recently I have so much thoughts in my mind. It is like a big mess. So one day I came home from work and had an idea to collect all those things and present in some graphical way. So I made this mockup. Messy like my mind. :)

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Nginx caching by cookie

For one website I am working on I wanted to configure nginx so that when user is not logged in, site is taken from nginx cache, but when user is logged in, the site is loading from wordpress directly. Because of performance, of course. :) And also I had an requirement from IT Risks of my organization that wp-admin is accessible only from our network.

Here is the configuration file for a virtual host:

server {
    listen       80 default;

    root /path_to_root;
    index index.php index.html;

    charset utf-8;
    error_page  404 /index.php;
    access_log  /path_to_log_file;

    location ~ (/\.ht) {
        return 404;

    location / {
      if (-f $request_filename) {
        expires 30d;

      try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php;

    location ~ ^/__cached/.+\.php$ {
        if ($uri ~ ^/__cached/(.+\.php)$)
            set $path /$1;

        fastcgi_cache NAME;
        fastcgi_cache_valid any 5m;
        fastcgi_cache_key $document_root$request_uri;
        fastcgi_cache_use_stale error timeout invalid_header http_500;
        fastcgi_ignore_headers  Cache-Control  Expires;

        fastcgi_index  index.php;
        fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME  $document_root/$path;
        fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(.*)$;
        include        fastcgi_params;

    location ~ (wp-(admin/.*|login|register)\.php$) {
        if ($remote_addr !~ xxx\.x\.xx\..+|xxx\.x\.xx\..+|xxx\.xxx\.xxx\..+){
            return …
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Build a computer

I want to build my own computer.

With computer I dont mean like usual PC with pheriperals. I mean computer with builtin cpu, memory, disk, etc. Good example is sheevaplug computer, but it is not fully complete for my needs.

Can somebody suggest me some direction to look for?

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This currently is the best invoicing app I have discovered


Though there are some issues. For example translating is a nice thing, but it is global not per invoice. Mostly I need invoices in Latvian, but if I will need it in english I will have to translate it back and forth.

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Finding a damn good wysiwyg editor

I need to find a good wysiwyg editor for a project i'm currently working on. Here are my thoughts on some of the editors:

  • TinyMCE : feature full editor, but it seems a bit messy with a lot of files. Implementing is also not very nice and friendly. Earlier I have experianced some problems validating html code.
  • FCKEditor / CKEditor : Some years ago it was called FCKEditor, now I see that they have renamed it to CKEditor. I have used this one quite successfully. This is definitely better that TinyCME. Just downloaded the source code and I see that download package consists of 579 files. Wow! I need some simple wysiwyg editor, not this huge. And directory structure is really messed up.
  • markItUp : 40 files - much better. Actually this is very interesting editor, althought it is not quite wysiwyg one. Judging from the example I have to replace "\n" to "<br />" within my code. I don't want to do that. And also for average user html code will not be easy to handle. On other hand pasting documents from word and websites …
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Port forwarding

Yestereday it wasn't very creative day at work so I took a work with me using usb flash drive.

At work we have some paranoid IT security people who wont let us work from home, so if I want to do it, I have to copy source code onto the flash drive and setup similar configuration on my home computer. It is not the first time, so no problems with configuration, but copying, archiving, copying, unarchiving is a quite booring process. So I was thinking: "Is it possible to get to our work development server?". Asking for an access to IT is not an option in this case.

Then I remebered about port forwarding. Is it possible to connect to some server, create tunnel from connecting side and connect to this tunnel from other side? Of course it is possible. I guess I did know it before, just somehow haven't thought about it. What I need was a server. I can't use any server, again because of strict IT policy, but recently we rent a new server outside of our …

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